About Us » School Community Council

School Community Council

The  SCC AGM Meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 14th via Microsoft TEAMS .  


Carlyle Elementary School Community Council:

“Your bridge between our school and community”
Like us on Facebook  "Carlyle Elementary School Community Council" to get updates on school and community events and activities 

Who is the Carlyle Elementary SCC?

 -         Teachers, parents or community members who meet once a month to share information and volunteer time towards projects that improve our school environment

-     SCC meetings are always open for any parents with questions, concerns or great ideas! Please contact the school to find out when the next SCC meeting is being held.

What has the SCC done in the past?
- Purchased sound equipment in our gym
- Purchased supplies for our kitchen for the lunch program

-         Raised over $23,000.00  with the “Jail ‘n Bail” and “Mom’s Pantry” fundraisers so the school could install a smartboard in each classroom

-         Provided supper for the teachers on the evenings of the student-led conferences, and flowers during teacher appreciation week
 -         Donated $500.00 for “Pink Day” activities at the school 
-         Helped put a stop to the CN transfer station proposal in Carlyle

-    Organized Family Movie Night in the school gym

-   Organized Family Bingo and invited grandparents and seniors from the community to join us 

-   Organized an Indoor Walking Group for community members to have a safe, dry place to walk
